Hey there everybody! I hope you've been having a safe and healthy 2020. With the pandemic raging, it seems like it's not going to be very safe to engage in our traditional Halloween activities like Haunted Houses and Trick-or-Treating this year. I know that everybody looks forward to Halloween, and for a lot of people it's one of thier favorite holidays.
This year, I wanted to explore new and fun ways of celebrating the holiday while maintaining a social distance and being able to create more of an online presence. The perfect solution presented itself to me with Mab Graves annual Drawlloween sketchbook challenge. Each day master artist Mab Graves submits a drwing prompt in theme with the spooky celebrations of the month of October. Members of her fan-club then sketch out a daily doodle.
Without further ado, the Dope Fiends Comics proudly presents, the month of October:

I know that I went a bit comical with some... most of these, but they're also FILLED with Dope Fiends Comics Easter Eggs too! A Halloween homage to the movies, monsters and mania that inspires my life.
Oh yeah! Here's the Zomboy animation from Day:18...